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Here's what people are saying about Foot Dr. Howie!

Testimonial 1
I can’t say enough about the skill, professionalism and patient first attitude I was fortunate enough to experience as one of Dr. Howie’s patients. She is extremely knowledgeable in all facets of Podiatry and suggested how the latest technologies in foot care can be applied to help in my case. Following her recommendations, I am nearly cured of the problems I had and will be 100% back to good foot health once the treatment is complete. Not only that, but all my appointments were on or ahead of schedule and the staff that works with her is competent and courteous. It doesn’t get any better than that! I only wish I had not waited so long before seeking treatment.
~U.D June, 2014

Testimonial 2
Dr. Howie has received a 5 Star Rating on HealthGrades.com! Check out her profile by clicking this link... www.healthgrades.com

Testimonial 3